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Lesson Options


Lesson Price List

Lesson Type Teaching Pro
PGA Master Pro
Beginners Group Course £100 ---
Individual Lesson | 30 mins £40 £45
Individual Lesson | 1 hour £70 £80
Short Game Lesson | 1 hour £70 ---
Joint Lesson | 1 hour £80 ---
Programme One | 6 x 30 mins £200 £250
Programme Two | 6 x 60 mins £350 £400
Short Game Programme £200 ---
On Course Analysis | 2 hours £125 ---
Junior | 30 mins £35 £40
Junior | 60 mins £60 £60
Junior | 6 x 30 mins £175 £200
Junior | 6 x 60 mins £300 £300
Ultimate Coaching Package
12 x 60 mins
£630 £720
All lessons include the price of balls and video analysis.

Whether you are interested in Learning, Practicing or Improving, our lesson options have you covered.

For more information on each lesson type click below:

Beginners Group Course

An introductory programme of six one hour group lessons aimed at complete beginners. This has been designed as an easy and informal way to start playing golf under the supervision and guidance of a PGA Professional Instructor in a relaxed group format. Run on the same day and same time for six consecutive weeks.
8:1 Pupil/Instructor ratio for optimal learning experience
Detailed step by step Practice and Lesson Plan

Course Cost: £100

Trackman Lesson

PGA Professional Instruction on purpose built USGA spec Short Game Practice Facility with Specific coaching on any aspect of Short Game play.
Lesson Price: £70 Teaching Pro

The TrackMan technology provides you with the most accurate feedback in the industry. The TrackMan numbers are divided into 2 main categories; ball flight data and club data. Knowing your TrackMan numbers is essential to understand and improve your golf swing.

Regardless of level all golfers can benefit from using TrackMan as part of their training. Working on your golf swing and resulting ball flight through your TrackMan numbers, allows problem areas to be identified, resulting in fast improvement.

Lesson Price | 60mins: £70

Short Game Lesson | 60mins

PGA Professional Instruction on purpose built USGA spec Short Game Practice Facility with Specific coaching on any aspect of Short Game play.
Lesson Price: £70 Teaching Pro

Programme One | 6 x 30 mins

6 × 30 minute lessons to include:

PGA Professional Instruction
GASP computer swing analysis in fully equipped private tuition suite
Work on mental techniques
Game improvement practice and playing plan
Cost of practice balls included in course price
Lesson Price: £200 Teaching Pro

Programme Two | 6 x 60 mins

6 × 60 minute lessons to include:

PGA Professional Instruction
GASP computer swing analysis in fully equipped private tuition suite
Work on mental techniques
Game improvement practice and playing plan
Cost of practice balls included in course price
Lesson Price: £350 Teaching Pro

Individual Lesson | 30mins

PGA Professional Instruction with GASP computer swing analysis in fully equipped private tuition suite
All our Individual Lessons are delivered within our fully Private video studios and our prices are all inclusive with no hidden ball or studio charges. You will receive expert state of the art coaching while having the chance to see your swing on the GASP computer software. This affords the opportunity to draw comparisons, where applicable, with the extensive list of world class professionals on the database.

We do, of course, realise that everyone is an individual which means a “One Size Fits All Method” does not work, so all of our coaches are completely flexible in their coaching styles which allows them the freedom to properly coach you so that you get the most out of your sessions. Sign up now and realise your potential immediately rather than trying to work it out on your own or, even worse, by listening to or reading about the tip of the day.

Lesson Price: £40 Teaching Pro

Individual Lesson | 60mins

PGA Professional Instruction with GASP computer swing analysis in fully equipped private tuition suite
All our Individual Lessons are delivered within our fully Private video studios and our prices are all inclusive with no hidden ball or studio charges. You will receive expert state of the art coaching while having the chance to see your swing on the GASP computer software. This affords the opportunity to draw comparisons, where applicable, with the extensive list of world class professionals on the database.

We do, of course, realise that everyone is an individual which means a “One Size Fits All Method” does not work, so all of our coaches are completely flexible in their coaching styles which allows them the freedom to properly coach you so that you get the most out of your sessions. Sign up now and realise your potential immediately rather than trying to work it out on your own or, even worse, by listening to or reading about the tip of the day.

Lesson Price: £70 Teaching Pro

Joint Lesson | 60mins

Same format as our individual lesson, only for 2 golfers.  Ideal for friends and family members wanting to learn together.

Lesson Price: £80Teaching Pro

Short Game Programme

Specialist coaching on our purpose designed USGA Short Game practice facility.
3 x 60 minute lessons valid for 3 months from date of first lesson.

Lessons to include:

PGA Professional Instruction on purpose built USGA spec Short Game Practice Area
Every aspect of the short game covered with emphasis on:
Shot saving
Lob Shots
Bunker Play
Chip & Run
3 Short Game Practice Passes
Lesson Price: £200 Teaching Pro

On Course Analysis

2 hour session incorporating tuition and play.
Lesson to include:

GASP computer swing analysis in fully equipped private tuition suite
On course coaching
Work on pre and post shot routine
Work on mental techniques and course management
Debrief session for game analysis and to formulate improvement plan
Lesson Price: £125 Teaching Pro

Ultimate Coaching Package | 12x 60mins

This ultimate coaching package is for golfers dedicated to improving their overall game, and taking their golf to a whole new level. We will work with you initial assessment of your game, goal setting for the future, and take a person centered approach to your learning. Technique, mental aspect of your game and course management will also be covered.
Package Price: £630

Meet the Team


Iain Kennedy

Mearns Castle Golf Coach

George Boswell

Mearns Castle Golf Coach

Alastair Forsyth

Mearns Castle Golf Coach

Ian Rae

PGA Master Professional

Conor O’ Neil

Golf Coach